The Right Pen for ID Wristband Identity CardsUsing the correct pen for your ID Wristband / Bracelet Identity Cards will ensure that your personal emergency information remains legible long after you have written them.
Biro may work however ink from a biro will fade if and when you subject it to water (pool/sea/bathing). We only recommend that you use our ultra-fine tip permanent marker to apply/write your details on the wristband identity card. Need Spare ID Cards for your Identity Bracelet? - Buy them here. Our super fine tip permanent marker pen is: -
Buy Your ID Card PenPens for your ID cards are available singly or in twos and are dispatched within 24 hours.
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Spare ID Cards for your Identity BraceletGet the Right Pen...!Get the right pen to use with your ID Spare Cards. You need a pen that is waterproof, dries fast, will not smudge, and is permanent and... one that has a very fine tip.
For these ID Wristband: -Our genuine spare ID spare cards for your ID Wristband will fit perfectly in the following wristbands (you can click each to visit the product page: -